50 General Knowledge Questions Based on Islam for Morning Assembly

Important GK Questions Based on Islam for Morning Assembly

Islamic General Knowledge Quiz Questions And Answers for daily school assembly: Elevate your students’ knowledge with engaging Islamic quizzes during morning assemblies.

Explore a wealth of Islamic general knowledge questions and answers, delve into quizzes on prophets, and enjoy easy yet enriching assessments.

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Enhance your morning assembly routine with educational content that sparks curiosity and deepens understanding. Access easy-to-follow Islamic quiz resources, fostering a meaningful blend of spirituality and learning for your students.

Islamic General Knowledge Quiz Questions And Answers for Daily School Morning Assembly

Here are 50 general knowledge questions based on Islam that you can use for a morning assembly or quiz:

Can anyone name the first month of the Islamic calendar?

What is the significance of the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad) in the Kaaba?

Who was the first woman to accept Islam?

What is the Quran, and who is its final messenger?

What is the meaning of the word “Islam”?

Which city is considered the holiest in Islam?

What are the Five Pillars of Islam?

What is the holy book of Islam?

What is the importance of the month of Ramadan in Islam?

Who was the first Caliph after the Prophet Muhammad?

What is the Kaaba, and where is it located?

What is the significance of the Hajj pilgrimage in Islam?

Who are the “People of the Book” in Islam?

What is the importance of Friday (Jumu’ah) in Islam?

What is the difference between Sunni and Shia Islam?

What are the two major sects in Islam?

Can you name the four holy cities in Islam?

What is the meaning of the term “ummah” in Islam?

Who were the companions of the Prophet Muhammad?

What is the Islamic concept of “Tawheed”?

What are the two main branches of Islamic law?

What is the significance of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem?

Who is known as the “Mother of the Believers” in Islam?

What are the 99 Names (Attributes) of Allah in Islam?

What is the significance of the Night of Ascension (Isra and Mi’raj) in Islam?

Who is the archangel mentioned in Islam, responsible for delivering messages from Allah?

What is the importance of the Battle of Badr in Islamic history?

Who is the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad?

What is the Islamic calendar system based on?

What is the concept of “Ihsan” in Islam?

Can you name the three holy months in Islam?

What is the role of a muezzin in Islam?

What is the significance of the “Sunnah” in Islamic jurisprudence?

Who was the first martyr in Islam?

What is the Islamic greeting commonly used by Muslims?

What is the importance of the “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful) in the Quran?

What is the role of the “Imam” in Islamic worship?

What is the significance of the Battle of Uhud in Islamic history?

What is “Zakat” in Islam, and how is it calculated?

What is the concept of “Hijab” in Islam?

What is the significance of the “Miracle of the Splitting of the Moon” in Islamic tradition?

Who is known as the “Father of Prophets” in Islam?

What is the importance of the “Sahaba” (companions) in Islamic history?

What are the two major holidays (Eids) celebrated in Islam?

What is the role of a “Qari” in Islamic practice?

What is the significance of the “Night of Power” (Laylat al-Qadr) in Islam?

Who is considered the final prophet in Islam?

What is the concept of “Sharia” in Islamic law?

What is the importance of the “Hadith” in Islamic tradition?

What is the Islamic view on charity and helping the needy?

Feel free to use these questions to engage your audience in learning more about Islam during your morning assembly or quiz session.

Read More : ISLAMIC Morning Assembly Anchoring Script For School

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