Anchoring Script For 15 August Independence Day School Assembly

Daily School Assembly

Special Anchoring Script for ‘Independence Day’ (15th August)

Morning Assembly Anchoring Script for 15th August Independence Day

Hello students, today we have a post on ‘Anchoring Script for Indian Independence Day (15th August)’ for a special school morning assembly. In this post, we’ve tried our best to make it engaging and full of activities.

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There are many Independence Day activities that can be performed during the school morning assembly. However, we have collected some of the best ones for this great event. This Independence Day anchoring script will give you a roadmap to make your school event the best it can be.

Let’s take a look at this simple and

Engaging anchoring script for the August 15th assembly.

Here’s an engaging anchoring script for the 77th Indian Independence Day school morning assembly, incorporating relevant activities:

Anchor 1: [Energetic and cheerful] Good morning, my name is (your name, class) Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends! We welcome you all to the special morning assembly on the occasion of our 77th Independence Day. This day marks the freedom of our beloved nation from British rule, a day of immense pride and joy for every Indian.

Anchor 2: My name is (name and class) [With a proud tone] Yes, indeed! Today, we celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of our freedom fighters who fought tirelessly to give us the gift of freedom. Let’s start this auspicious day by seeking the blessings of the Almighty. I invite [Name of the student] to lead us in the prayer.

[After the prayer]

Anchor 1: Thank you, [Name]. Now, it’s time to honor our national symbols. I request everyone to stand at attention for the National Anthem. Let’s sing with pride and respect.

[National Anthem]

Anchor 2: Thank you, everyone. Please be seated. Our flag, our pride, our tricolor, waves high today. I now invite our respected Principal, [Principal’s Name], to hoist the National Flag and lead us in the pledge.

[Flag hoisting and pledge]

Anchor 1: Thank you, Principal [Principal’s Name], for your inspiring words and for leading us in the pledge. The significance of this day cannot be expressed in words alone. To give us a glimpse of our rich history and the journey of our freedom, we have a speech prepared by [Name of the student]. Let’s welcome [Name] to the stage.


Anchor 2: Thank you, [Name], for that enlightening speech. As we celebrate this day, let us not forget the struggles and sacrifices of our freedom fighters. Our students have prepared a patriotic dance performance to honor their courage. Please welcome the talented dancers with a big round of applause!

[Dance performance]

Anchor 1: That was a mesmerizing performance! Let’s keep the energy flowing. Next, we have a skit depicting a significant moment from the freedom struggle. The students of [Class or Group] will take us back in time to witness the courage of our freedom fighters.


Anchor 2: That was truly inspiring! Our students have indeed brought history to life. Now, let’s test our knowledge with a quick quiz on India’s Independence Day. We have [Name of the quiz master] to conduct the quiz. Let’s see how well we know our nation’s history!


Anchor 1: That was fun and informative! Thank you, [Name], for the engaging quiz. Moving on, we have a special patriotic song performance by the school choir. Let’s listen to the melodious voices as they sing songs of freedom.

[Patriotic song]

Anchor 2: What a beautiful performance! Music truly has the power to connect us with our roots. As we draw closer to the end of our celebration, we have a few words from our respected Chief Guest, [Chief Guest’s Name]. Please give a warm welcome to our Chief Guest.

[Chief Guest’s speech]

Anchor 1: Thank you, [Chief Guest’s Name], for your inspiring words. As we celebrate this special day, let’s pledge to contribute towards the progress and prosperity of our nation.

Let us remember the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Anchor 2: Absolutely! With that, we come to the end of our morning assembly. Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation. Let’s continue to cherish and uphold the values of freedom, unity, and integrity. Jai Hind!

Both Anchors: Jai Hind!

Thank You Note

Anchor 1: As we wrap up our Independence Day celebration, we want to thank everyone for being here.

Anchor 2: A special thank you to our talented students for their wonderful performances and enthusiasm.

Anchor 1: To our teachers, thank you for your hard work and support in making this event a success.

Anchor 2: And to our esteemed guests, we appreciate your presence and inspiring words.

Anchor 1: Thank you all for joining us. Happy Independence Day!

Both Anchors: Jai Hind!

This script covers all the major activities related to the Independence Day celebration, including prayer, national anthem, flag hoisting, speeches, cultural performances, and concluding remarks. Feel free to adjust the script to suit your school’s specific traditions and requirements.

You can get more idea from this trending anchoring script for independence day 

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Dear Readers, if you find any mistakes, please inform us in the comment box. After checking, we will rectify them. Have a wonderful day.



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