Skit Script on “Time Management” For Morning Assembly

“Time Management” Skit Script for Morning Assembly

Morning Assembly Skits: Hello Readers, here’s a simple and engaging script designed for young students to perform. This Script is focusing on the theme of Time Management. This skit includes Indian students names (for demo) and is tailored to fit a 15-minute performance during a morning assembly.

Skit Title: “The Race Against Time”


  • Aarav (Narrator)
  • Priya (Student 1, always punctual)
  • Rohan (Student 2, struggles with time management)
  • Isha (Student 3, good at planning)
  • Nikhil (Student 4, learns the lesson)
  • Props: Clock props, books, school bags, a pretend classroom setup.

Setting: A typical classroom.

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[Scene opens with AARAV standing at center stage, holding a large clock prop.]

AARAV (Narrator): Good morning, friends! Today, our little story takes place in a classroom not so different from ours. It’s called “The Race Against Time,” and it’s about how four friends learned the magic of managing time wisely!

[PRIYA, ROHAN, ISHA, and NIKHIL are sitting at desks, pretending to study.]

AARAV: Meet Priya, always on time and always ready. Rohan, who often runs late; Isha, who plans her day very carefully; and Nikhil, who thinks time will wait for him.

[Spotlight on PRIYA.]

PRIYA: I like to use a planner. It helps me remember all my homework and exams, and I never feel rushed!

[Spotlight shifts to ROHAN, looking frustrated, surrounded by scattered books.]

ROHAN: I don’t know how you do it, Priya. I always end up doing things at the last minute!

[Spotlight on ISHA, who is organizing her desk and setting a small timer.]

ISHA: It’s all about planning, Rohan. I make a list every morning, so I know exactly what I need to do.

[Spotlight on NIKHIL, looking relaxed, leaning back in his chair.]

NIKHIL: Why worry so much? There’s always enough time, right?

AARAV: But one day, a big project was due! And our friends realized they needed a plan to finish it on time.

[Scene shift: All students gather around a table with craft materials everywhere. They look worried.]

PRIYA: Okay, team, let’s break this project into small parts. We can each take a section. It’ll be faster and less stressful!

ROHAN: That’s a great idea! I’ll take the first part. Isha, can you help me make a schedule?

ISHA: Of course, Rohan. Let’s start by setting deadlines for each part.

NIKHIL: I guess it’s time I learn from you guys. Let’s start!

[Fast-forward motion as all kids pretend to work quickly and efficiently, moving around the stage.]

AARAV: And so, our friends learned to manage their time. The project was a big success, and even Nikhil realized the importance of not waiting until the last minute.

[Everyone gathers back at center stage.]

PRIYA: From now on, we plan ahead!

ROHAN: And no more last-minute rushes for me.

ISHA: Remember, time is precious!

NIKHIL: And it waits for no one!

AARAV: And that’s the story of how four friends raced against time—and won! Remember, good time management helps us do more, stress less, and succeed together.

[All bow as the curtain closes.]

This script is designed to be interactive and fun, with clear lessons on the benefits of time management. This is also perfect for engaging young students during a school assembly.

Dear Readers, if you find any mistakes, please inform us in the comment box. After checking, we will rectify them. Comment your favorite ‘Thought of the Day’ that motivates you daily. Have a wonderful day.

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