Word of The Day with Meaning for Morning Assembly 14 June

Word of The Day with Meaning on World Blood Donor Day 14 June

Word of the Day for Daily School Assembly (14 June Special Day): Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms

Morning Assembly Word of The Day – Learning new words is like adding colors to a painting—it makes your language more vivid and fun! Every new word is an adventure, helping you express yourself better and understand more. Think of it as a brain workout that grows your vocabulary and brightens your conversations.

Word of the Day with Meaning for Primary Classes (Nursery, LKG, and UKG)

Attribute Result
Word Share
Meaning Giving a part of something to others
Synonyms Give, distribute, part with
Antonyms Keep, withhold, hoard
Etymology From Old English ‘scearu’
Part of Speech Verb
Example “Let’s share our toys with friends!”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 1, 2, and 3rd

Attribute Result
Word Help
Meaning To assist someone in need
Synonyms Assist, aid, support
Antonyms Hinder, obstruct, inhibit
Etymology From Old English ‘helpan’
Part of Speech Verb
Example “I will help you tie your shoes.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 4, 5, and 6th

Attribute Result
Word Donate
Meaning To give something for a good cause
Synonyms Contribute, give, offer
Antonyms Receive, take, withhold
Etymology From Latin ‘donatum’
Part of Speech Verb
Example “She decided to donate her old books to the library.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 7, 8, and 9th

Attribute Result
Word Generosity
Meaning Willingness to give or share freely
Synonyms Altruism, benevolence, charity
Antonyms Selfishness, stinginess, meanness
Etymology From Latin ‘generosus’
Part of Speech Noun
Example “His generosity was known throughout the community.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 10, 11, and 12th

Attribute Result
Word Benevolent
Meaning Showing kindness or goodwill
Synonyms Kind, charitable, generous
Antonyms Cruel, selfish, unkind
Etymology From Latin ‘benevolentia’
Part of Speech Adjective
Example “The benevolent man donated much of his wealth to the hospital.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for College Students

Attribute Result
Word Philanthropy
Meaning The desire to promote the welfare of others
Synonyms Charity, generosity, humanitarianism
Antonyms Misanthropy, selfishness, greed
Etymology From Greek ‘philanthrōpia’
Part of Speech Noun
Example “She studied the impact of philanthropy on social justice.”
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These word selections each emphasize values related to compassion and social responsibility, fitting well with the observance of World Blood Donor Day.

Thought of the Day for World Blood Donor Day

  1. “Every blood donor is a hero, saving lives with each donation.”
  2. “Giving blood is giving life. Never underestimate the impact you can make.”
  3. “One donation, three lives saved. The power of giving blood is immense.”
  4. “Blood donation is the ultimate act of kindness — one that speaks without words.”
  5. “The gift of blood is the gift of life. There is no greater act of humanity.”

Slogans for World Blood Donor Day

  1. “Be a Lifesaver: Donate Blood Today!”
  2. “Share a Little, Care a Lot – Donate Blood.”
  3. “Heroes Come in All Types – Be a Blood Donor.”
  4. “From Your Veins to Theirs: Give the Gift of Life.”
  5. “Roll Up Your Sleeve, Save a Life – Donate Blood.”

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