Word of The Day for School Assembly With Meaning July 2024


Word of The Day for Morning Assembly With Meaning

Here’s the “Word of the Day” list for July, continuing with detailed entries for each word including Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Etymology, and an Example:

Word of the Day Details (Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Etymology, Example)
1. Garrulous Meaning: Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters | Synonyms: Loquacious, verbose | Antonyms: Reticent, taciturn | Etymology: From Latin garrulus (talkative) | Example: The garrulous parrot disrupted the quiet study room.
2. Hapless Meaning: Unfortunate | Synonyms: Unlucky, ill-fated | Antonyms: Lucky, fortunate | Etymology: From Old Norse hap (luck) with a negative prefix | Example: The hapless sailor was lost at sea.
3. Immutable Meaning: Unchanging over time or unable to be changed | Synonyms: Permanent, fixed | Antonyms: Mutable, changeable | Etymology: From Latin immutabilis | Example: The laws of physics are considered immutable.
4. Juxtapose Meaning: To place or deal with close together for contrasting effect | Synonyms: Compare, collate | Antonyms: Disconnect, separate | Etymology: From Latin juxta (next) + French poser (to place) | Example: The exhibition juxtaposes modern art with classical pieces.
5. Kinetic Meaning: Relating to or resulting from motion | Synonyms: Dynamic, moving | Antonyms: Static, stationary | Etymology: From Greek kinetikos (moving) | Example: The dancer’s kinetic performance captivated the audience.
6. Lethargic Meaning: Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic | Synonyms: Lazy, sluggish | Antonyms: Energetic, active | Etymology: From Greek lethargos | Example: I felt unusually lethargic on the hot summer day.
7. Meticulous Meaning: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise | Synonyms: Thorough, painstaking | Antonyms: Careless, negligent | Etymology: From Latin meticulosus (fearful) | Example: The meticulous artist spent hours on the fine details of the painting.
8. Nefarious Meaning: (Typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal | Synonyms: Evil, sinful | Antonyms: Virtuous, honorable | Etymology: From Latin nefarius (wicked) | Example: The villain’s plan was discovered to be as nefarious as it was clever.
9. Obfuscate Meaning: Render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible | Synonyms: Obscure, confuse | Antonyms: Clarify, elucidate | Etymology: From Latin obfuscare (to darken) | Example: The technical jargon in the manual obfuscates its instructions.
10. Pernicious Meaning: Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way | Synonyms: Harmful, destructive | Antonyms: Beneficial, harmless | Etymology: From Latin perniciosus (destructive) | Example: The pernicious weed spread throughout the farmland.
11. Querulous Meaning: Complaining in a petulant or whining manner | Synonyms: Petulant, crabby | Antonyms: Contented, agreeable | Etymology: From Latin querulus (full of complaints) | Example: The querulous tone of his voice was annoying.
12. Reticent Meaning: Not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily | Synonyms: Reserved, withdrawn | Antonyms: Communicative, open | Etymology: From Latin reticere (be silent) | Example: She was reticent about her plans for the future.
13. Sagacious Meaning: Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment | Synonyms: Wise, clever | Antonyms: Foolish, unwise | Etymology: From Latin sagax (wise) | Example: The sagacious investor foresaw the market crash.
14. Tenacious Meaning: Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely | Synonyms: Persistent, determined | Antonyms: Weak, surrendering | Etymology: From Latin tenax (holding fast) | Example: His tenacious memory was a valuable asset.
15. Ubiquitous Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere | Synonyms: Omnipresent, pervasive | Antonyms: Rare, scarce | Etymology: From Latin ubique (everywhere) | Example: Smartphones are ubiquitous in modern society.
16. Verbose Meaning: Using or expressed in more words than are needed | Synonyms: Wordy, loquacious | Antonyms: Concise, succinct | Etymology: From Latin verbosus | Example: The verbose lecturer often strayed off-topic.
17. Wary Meaning: Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems | Synonyms: Cautious, careful | Antonyms: Careless, incautious | Etymology: From Old English wær (aware, cautious) | Example: She was wary of strangers who asked too many personal questions.
18. Xenial Meaning: Hospitable, especially to visiting strangers or foreigners | Synonyms: Hospitable, genial | Antonyms: Inhospitable, unfriendly | Etymology: From Greek xenos (guest, stranger) | Example: The xenial host made sure all her guests felt welcome.
19. Yielding Meaning: Giving way under pressure; not hard or rigid | Synonyms: Compliant, flexible | Antonyms: Resistant, rigid | Etymology: From Old English gieldan (to pay, yield) | Example: The yielding branches bent but did not break under the snow.
20. Zealous Meaning: Having or showing zeal | Synonyms: Passionate, fervent | Antonyms: Apathetic, indifferent | Etymology: From Greek zelos (zeal) | Example: The zealous advocate worked tirelessly on behalf of the cause.
21. Aberrant Meaning: Departing from an accepted standard | Synonyms: Deviant, abnormal | Antonyms: Normal, typical | Etymology: From Latin aberrare (to wander away) | Example: The scientist studied aberrant behavior in the species.
22. Bucolic Meaning: Relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life | Synonyms: Rustic, pastoral | Antonyms: Urban, metropolitan | Etymology: From Greek boukolikos (cowherd) | Example: They enjoyed a bucolic existence in the rural setting.
23. Conundrum Meaning: A confusing and difficult problem or question | Synonyms: Riddle, puzzle | Antonyms: Answer, solution | Etymology: Origin unknown, possibly a whimsical pseudo-Latin alteration of English dialect conny (rabbit) | Example: The mystery posed a conundrum to all who tried to solve it.
24. Dilatory Meaning: Slow to act | Synonyms: Tardy, slow | Antonyms: Prompt, speedy | Etymology: From Latin dilatorius (delaying) | Example: His dilatory response caused us to miss the deadline.
25. Eclectic Meaning: Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources | Synonyms: Diverse, varied | Antonyms: Uniform, similar | Etymology: From Greek eklektikos, meaning ‘selective’ | Example: His taste in music is quite eclectic.

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