Word of The Day for Independence Day 15 August


Word of the Day and Top Dictionary Words for School Assembly with their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, etymology, and examples.

Word of The Day for Independence Day 15 August – Hello Readers, welcome to the Daily Morning Assembly blog. In this blog, we cover a wide range of material related to school assemblies, including themes, scripts, and activities that make these gatherings engaging and educational.

Recently, we received many requests for a ‘Word of the Day’ specifically for Indian Independence Day on 15 August. So, we have curated some of the best ‘Words of the Day’ to enhance your school assemblies.

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WOTD is an amazing activity for daily school assemblies. With the help of the Word of the Day, students can learn new dictionary words related to Independence Day. Let’s read and understand some independence day english vocabulary words.

Word of the Day with Meaning for Primary Classes (Nursery, LKG, and UKG)

Meaning Understanding the concept of freedom and independence.
Word Freedom
Synonyms Liberty, Autonomy
Antonyms Dependence, Subjugation
Etymology From Old English “freodom”
Part of Speech Noun
Example “We celebrate Independence Day to remember our freedom.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 1, 2, and 3

Meaning A state of being free from outside control.
Word Independence
Synonyms Freedom, Self-Government
Antonyms Dependence, Subjugation
Etymology From Latin “independentia”
Part of Speech Noun
Example “Our country gained independence many years ago.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 4, 5, and 6

Meaning The state of being free and self-governing.
Word Sovereignty
Synonyms Freedom, Liberty
Antonyms Dependence, Oppression
Etymology From Old French “sovereinete”
Part of Speech Noun
Example “Sovereignty is a precious gift we must cherish.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 7, 8, and 9

Meaning The state of being free from the control or power of another.
Word Autonomy
Synonyms Freedom, Self-rule
Antonyms Subordination, Dependence
Etymology From Greek “autonomia”
Part of Speech Noun
Example “India’s autonomy was achieved through great sacrifice.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for Class 10, 11, and 12

Meaning The condition of having freedom and self-government.
Word Liberation
Synonyms Autonomy, Sovereignty
Antonyms Dependence, Colonization
Etymology From Latin “liberationem”
Part of Speech Noun
Example “The struggle for liberation shaped our nation’s history.”

Word of the Day with Meaning for College Students

Meaning The state of being free from external control and constraint.
Word Emancipation
Synonyms Autonomy, Freedom, Sovereignty
Antonyms Dependence, Subjugation, Colonization
Etymology From Latin “emancipationem”
Part of Speech Noun
Example “Emancipation is the foundation of a nation’s identity.”

More WOTD related to Independence Day 

Word List for Independence Day

Primary Classes (Nursery, LKG, and UKG)

Word Details
Unity Meaning: The state of being united or joined as a whole.
Synonyms: Harmony, Oneness
Antonyms: Division, Disunity
Etymology: From Latin “unitatem”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Unity is strength, and together we stand.”
Hindi Meaning: एकता
Freedom Meaning: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants.
Synonyms: Liberty, Autonomy
Antonyms: Constraint, Dependence
Etymology: From Old English “freodom”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Freedom allows us to express ourselves.”
Hindi Meaning: स्वतंत्रता
Peace Meaning: Freedom from disturbance; tranquility.
Synonyms: Calm, Serenity
Antonyms: Conflict, War
Etymology: From Latin “pax”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “We hope for peace in the world.”
Hindi Meaning: शांति
Courage Meaning: The ability to do something that frightens one.
Synonyms: Bravery, Valor
Antonyms: Fear, Cowardice
Etymology: From Latin “cor”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Courage is needed to stand up for what is right.”
Hindi Meaning: साहस
Honor Meaning: High respect; esteem.
Synonyms: Respect, Esteem
Antonyms: Disgrace, Dishonor
Etymology: From Latin “honor”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “We honor those who fought for our freedom.”
Hindi Meaning: सम्मान

Class 1, 2, and 3

Word Details
Patriotism Meaning: The quality of being patriotic.
Synonyms: Nationalism, Loyalty
Antonyms: Treachery, Disloyalty
Etymology: From Greek “patriotes”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Patriotism is celebrated on Independence Day.”
Hindi Meaning: देशभक्ति
Independence Meaning: The fact or state of being independent.
Synonyms: Self-government, Freedom
Antonyms: Dependence, Subjugation
Etymology: From Latin “independentia”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Our country gained independence many years ago.”
Hindi Meaning: स्वतंत्रता
Valor Meaning: Great courage in the face of danger.
Synonyms: Bravery, Courage
Antonyms: Cowardice, Fear
Etymology: From Latin “valere”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The soldiers displayed great valor.”
Hindi Meaning: वीरता
Unity Meaning: The state of being united or joined as a whole.
Synonyms: Harmony, Oneness
Antonyms: Division, Disunity
Etymology: From Latin “unitatem”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Unity is strength.”
Hindi Meaning: एकता
Liberty Meaning: The state of being free within society.
Synonyms: Freedom, Independence
Antonyms: Constraint, Captivity
Etymology: From Latin “libertas”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Liberty is a fundamental right.”
Hindi Meaning: स्वतंत्रता

Class 4, 5, and 6

Word Details
Sovereignty Meaning: Supreme power or authority.
Synonyms: Autonomy, Self-Government
Antonyms: Subjugation, Dependence
Etymology: From Old French “sovereinete”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “India’s sovereignty was restored.”
Hindi Meaning: संप्रभुता
Democracy Meaning: A system of government by the whole population.
Synonyms: Republic, Self-rule
Antonyms: Dictatorship, Tyranny
Etymology: From Greek “demokratia”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Democracy allows everyone to vote.”
Hindi Meaning: लोकतंत्र
Liberation Meaning: The act of setting someone free.
Synonyms: Freedom, Release
Antonyms: Captivity, Oppression
Etymology: From Latin “liberationem”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The struggle for liberation was long.”
Hindi Meaning: मुक्ति
Resilience Meaning: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties.
Synonyms: Toughness, Elasticity
Antonyms: Fragility, Vulnerability
Etymology: From Latin “resilire”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The nation’s resilience was tested.”
Hindi Meaning: लचीलापन
Dignity Meaning: The state or quality of being worthy of honor.
Synonyms: Respect, Nobility
Antonyms: Humiliation, Disgrace
Etymology: From Latin “dignitas”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “We honor the dignity of every individual.”
Hindi Meaning: गरिमा

Class 7, 8, and 9

Word Details
Autonomy Meaning: The right or condition of self-government.
Synonyms: Independence, Sovereignty
Antonyms: Dependence, Subordination
Etymology: From Greek “autonomia”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The region gained autonomy.”
Hindi Meaning: स्वायत्तता
Integrity Meaning: The quality of being honest and having strong principles.
Synonyms: Honesty, Uprightness
Antonyms: Dishonesty, Corruption
Etymology: From Latin “integritas”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Integrity is key to leadership.”
Hindi Meaning: अखंडता
Sacrifice Meaning: The act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else.
Synonyms: Offering, Surrender
Antonyms: Selfishness, Greed
Etymology: From Latin “sacrificium”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “They made sacrifices for freedom.”
Hindi Meaning: बलिदान
Resolve Meaning: Firm determination to do something.
Synonyms: Determination, Resolution
Antonyms: Indecision, Hesitation
Etymology: From Latin “resolvere”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The resolve to achieve independence was strong.”
Hindi Meaning: संकल्प
Heritage Meaning: Valued objects and qualities such as cultural traditions passed down from previous generations.
Synonyms: Legacy, Tradition
Antonyms: Neglect, Disregard
Etymology: From Old French “eritage”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “We celebrate our rich heritage.”
Hindi Meaning: विरासत

Class 10, 11, and 12

Word Details
Emancipation Meaning: The fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions.
Synonyms: Liberation, Freedom
Antonyms: Enslavement, Subjugation
Etymology: From Latin “emancipare”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Emancipation was a key goal.”
Hindi Meaning: मुक्ति
Insurrection Meaning: A violent uprising against an authority or government.
Synonyms: Rebellion, Revolt
Antonyms: Submission, Obedience
Etymology: From Latin “insurrectio”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The insurrection led to change.”
Hindi Meaning: विद्रोह
Sovereignty Meaning: Supreme power or authority.
Synonyms: Autonomy, Self-Government
Antonyms: Subjugation, Dependence
Etymology: From Old French “sovereinete”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “India’s sovereignty was restored.”
Hindi Meaning: संप्रभुता
Commemoration Meaning: Remembrance, typically expressed in a ceremony.
Synonyms: Celebration, Tribute
Antonyms: Forgetting, Neglect
Etymology: From Latin “commemoratio”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “We have a commemoration for our heroes.”
Hindi Meaning: स्मरणोत्सव
Vigilance Meaning: The action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
Synonyms: Watchfulness, Alertness
Antonyms: Negligence, Carelessness
Etymology: From Latin “vigilantia”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Vigilance is key to maintaining freedom.”
Hindi Meaning: सतर्कता

College Students

Word Details
Fortitude Meaning: Courage in pain or adversity.
Synonyms: Endurance, Resilience
Antonyms: Weakness, Fear
Etymology: From Latin “fortitudo”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “They showed great fortitude.”
Hindi Meaning: धैर्य
Nationalism Meaning: Patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.
Synonyms: Patriotism, Allegiance
Antonyms: Treason, Disloyalty
Etymology: From Latin “natio”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Nationalism inspired many freedom fighters.”
Hindi Meaning: राष्ट्रवाद
Enlightenment Meaning: The action of enlightening or the state of being enlightened.
Synonyms: Awareness, Insight
Antonyms: Ignorance, Darkness
Etymology: From Old French “enlighten”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “The period of enlightenment brought new ideas.”
Hindi Meaning: प्रबोधन
Gallantry Meaning: Courageous behavior, especially in battle.
Synonyms: Bravery, Valor
Antonyms: Cowardice, Fear
Etymology: From French “galanterie”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Their gallantry was commendable.”
Hindi Meaning: वीरता
Perseverance Meaning: Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Synonyms: Determination, Persistence
Antonyms: Reluctance, Idleness
Etymology: From Latin “perseverantia”
Part of Speech: Noun
Example: “Perseverance led to their success.”
Hindi Meaning: दृढ़ता

These words, complete with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, etymology, part of speech, examples, and Hindi meanings, will help students enrich their vocabulary and deepen their understanding of the values associated with Independence Day.

Thought of the Day for Independence Day

  1. “Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit.”
  2. “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
  3. “Independence means enjoying freedom and empowering others too.”
  4. “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.”
  5. “True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.”

Slogans for Independence Day

  1. “Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!”
  2. “Unity in Diversity is our Strength!”
  3. “Celebrate Freedom, Celebrate India!”
  4. “Proud to be an Indian!”
  5. “Independence: A Right and a Responsibility!”

Wishes and Messages for Independence Day

  1. “Wishing you a Happy Independence Day! May our nation continue to prosper and grow.”
  2. “Happy Independence Day! Let’s honor the struggles of many bravehearts who fought for our freedom.”
  3. “May the tricolor always fly high. Warm wishes on Independence Day!”
  4. “Happy Independence Day! Proud to be an Indian. Let’s celebrate our freedom.”
  5. “On this Independence Day, let’s salute the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. Jai Hind!”

We hope these Words of the Day, thoughts, slogans, and messages will add value to your school assemblies and help students celebrate the spirit of Independence Day with greater enthusiasm and understanding.

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